In El Salvador, mass arrests to fight against gangs

In El Salvador mass arrests to fight against gangs

Police in El Salvador have arrested 50,000 people since the start of a “war” on gangs declared five months ago by President Nayib Bukele, authorities said earlier this week. Human rights NGOs denounce arbitrary arrests.

We have reached the figure of 50,000 people arrested during the state of emergency regime “, said the director of the national civil police, Mauricio Arriaza, Tuesday August 16. A total of 1,283 firearms and more than $1 million were also seized.

Adopted at the end of March after a wave of gang-related violence that left 87 dead, the state of exception, which notably allows the police to make arrests without warrants, has been extended month by month by Parliament, controlled by supporters of Mr. Bukele. The government talks about an effective tool to fight crime and gangs.

In total, some 66,000 alleged members of the “maras”, the criminal gangs, the most important of which are the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and Barrio 18, are currently imprisoned in El Salvador, including the 16,000 already detained before the state of exception.

Record popularity

But NGOs like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have denounced arbitrary arrests and other human rights violations.

I think this extension of the state of emergency actually shows that the government’s security plan has been a failure, criticizes Eduardo Escobar, the executive director of the Citizens’ Association of El Salvador. The government has other mechanisms at its disposal to fight crime, and it is using this exceptional measure – which is no longer exceptional, but has become the norm. »

To cope with this increase in the prison population, President Bukele ordered the construction of a gigantic prison with 40,000 places in the center of the country. This establishment should open at the end of the year.

The fight against crime has earned the young president, 40 years old and fond of social networks, record popularity in the country. ” What also comes into play, I believe, to justify all this is the fact that in 2024, there are elections: the country elects its president and deputies. And the power will continue to use this measure as long as it gives an electoral advantage to the government. Because clearly, despite the violation of human rights, despite the illegality of this measure, people applaud what the government is doing “, still regrets Eduardo Escobar.
