In East Jerusalem, at least seven people were killed in a gunman’s attack near a synagogue, Israeli police “neutralized” the attacker

In East Jerusalem at least seven people were killed in

Israeli authorities are calling the attack a terrorist attack. Tensions between Israel and the Palestinians have increased in recent days.

21:26•Updated 21:59

At least seven people were killed in Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem on Friday when a gunman opened fire near a synagogue. The Israeli authorities will tell you about it.

Information on the number of wounded varies. According to the Israeli police, the attacker has been “neutralized”.

According to the AP news agency, the police shot the attacker. It is currently unclear whether the attacker was killed.

The pictures provided by the Reuters news agency show bloodied victims lying on the street.

Israeli authorities are calling the attack a terrorist attack. The attack took place in the Jewish neighborhood of Neve Yaakov in East Jerusalem.

Relations between Israel and the Palestinians have been strained in recent days. Israel conducted a raid in the West Bank on Thursday, during which Israeli forces shot at least nine people.

According to the Israeli Armed Forces, the soldiers came under fire during an anti-terrorist operation.

On Friday, Palestinian armed groups fired rockets into Israel from the Gaza Strip. Israel announced that it struck a Hamas rocket factory and base in return.

Sources: AFP, AP, Reuters
