Destiny 2 lets you fight in the last city in “Into the Light” and fend off waves of enemies. This is what Bungie revealed about the new mode.
Destiny 2 will have a free update before the release of the last major expansion, “The Final Shape”. Bungie is presenting the update in three live streams. The first livestream ran on March 19, 2024 and featured a new mode called Onslaught.
Destiny 2 gets horde mode with up to 50 waves
What kind of mode is this? The new mode is called Onslaught and will be a horde mode. This means you have to defend a certain point, a kind of generator, and stay alive. Meanwhile, one wave of enemies attacks you after another.
In the normal version you can only expect ten waves, but in the “Challenge” version of the mode you can expect up to 50 waves. This version is divided into “Standard” and “Hard” difficulty levels.
The strength of the opponents also increases with each wave and the location of the generator also changes. The enemy types also vary. During the developer stream, for example, the Guardians first fought against the Fallen, then against the Hive.
Among the different types of enemies that you have to fight within the 50 waves are also champions and bosses. So you definitely have to have a suitable build to complete the challenge.
Unfortunately, there is no gameplay video for “Onslaught” yet, but you can pass the time with the trailer for The Final Shape.
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Guardians can place turrets and traps
What makes the mode playful? In Onslaught you can of course look forward to the classic Destiny gameplay. So that you can adequately defend a position, there will be guns and some kind of tripping hazard. However, you have to “buy” these again if they are destroyed by opponents.
As you survive the waves and take down enemies, you will collect scrap. You can then use this scrap to buy and place said traps and guns within the mode. You can also upgrade them to higher levels as the waves progress so that they can withstand stronger opponents.
During the first waves you can also easily revive your defeated teammates. However, in challenge mode you will eventually reach a point where returning is not possible.
What about the loot? There will be boxes that spit out loot every ten waves within the mode. However, the developers did not want to reveal exactly what this loot looks like. There will be more information about this in the next live stream.
What do we know about the maps? In the developer livestream, Onslaught was played in the final city. The map was a modified version of the PvP map “Downtown”.
The developers also announced during the stream that there will be several maps on which you can play Onslaugth. Exactly which ones are included is also unclear.
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