In China, the gaokao, which corresponds to high school entrance exams, began – a record 12.9 million participants

In China the gaokao which corresponds to high school entrance

The scores obtained in Gaokao determine the young person’s study opportunities after high school. In Beijing, the exams last four days.

BEIJING There are 240 million people in China with at least a lower university degree.

Which university you go to after high school is decided by the gaokao exam. The score obtained there is used to apply to universities and colleges.

The number of participants in Gaokao has increased year by year. Now there are a total of 12.9 million of them in different parts of China.

The compulsory subjects for everyone in the exam are Chinese language, mathematics and English. In addition, students choose three out of six elective subjects. These include physics, chemistry, biology, social studies, history and geography.

In April, youth unemployment in China rose to 20.4 percent, and higher education is seen as a ticket to a good rest of life.

Even the top universities in China are relatively inexpensive, so even those who grew up in poor conditions can get into them if they do well in gaokao.

You can discuss the topic until Thursday 8 June 2023 at 11 pm.
