In Chile, the Senate gives the green light for the writing of a new Constitution

In Chile the Senate gives the green light for the

Last September, the population rejected by referendum a proposed text drafted by a constituent assembly and which could have replaced the current Constitution written under the dictatorship. Since then, the political parties have agreed on a new roadmap. And it is up to Congress to decide whether to approve a reform that will lead to the writing of a new Constitution.

With our correspondent in Santiago de Chile, Naila Derroisne

In Chile the process towards a new Constitution continues on its way. At 80% the Chilean senators voted in favor of the reform to launch the drafting of a new Constitution. The discussions lasted only two days, a record time.

First, because the government had asked that the project be examined as a priority. And then, parliamentarians are also pressed for time. Because, according to the reform, it is at the beginning of May that the 50 members of the Council will have to be elected, which will be responsible for writing the new Constitution. And to organize these elections, it takes time, at least three months. This implies that the reform will be ready by the end of January at the latest.

Go fast

It is now up to the deputies to decide. And they will have to act quickly to stick to the already tight timing. Despite some opposition – who consider that the reform is subject to too many conditions – it should still be approved.

And if the schedule is respected, next December Chileans will again vote “for” or “against” the new Constitution.
