in Carthage, immigration and exile seen by female filmmakers

in Carthage immigration and exile seen by female filmmakers

The 33rd Carthage Film Days, which ended on Sunday 06 November in Tunis, honored these subjects of exile and migration in the “crossed views” section with documentaries made by 6 women from Africa and from Europe.

With our special correspondent in TunisHouda Ibrahim

The documentaries screened as part of this selection are complementary. Each exposes a particular facet of these often dramatic situations, which affect thousands of people.

Leave ? of the Cameroonian Mary-Noel Niba evokes the difficulties of those, less numerous, who return home after their European journey. ” Me, I wanted to revisit the part of the return. Because while we’re talking about those who arrive, there are those who have been back for a very long time, who are ostracized from society and who are considered as ”loosers”. I wanted to give them another status, that of war heroes, because for me, ultimately, the West is a battlefield.. »

Made in 2013, Choked an unfathomable differencefrom the French Sophie Bachelier, shows the Kafkaesque situation of a few hundred sub-Saharan Africans stranded in southern Tunisia, on the border with Libya. Author of several documentaries on the subject, Sophie Bachelier now wishes to testify differently. ” Now I want to move on to fiction, to tell things that I couldn’t say in the documentaries. Things that I couldn’t say, because if I said so, I would have endangered the people I was filming, on the other hand, for ten years I have been collecting testimonies and personal stories of these dramas which are happening “.

As a sign of the public’s interest in these questions, many spectators attended the screenings and the debates in the Africa cinema hall.

The migration issue is a question that is still relevant. We find it necessary and also urgent to highlight these migratory stories through documentary films.

Sahar El Echi, programmer of the “crossed views” section
