In Burma, a population census raises fears of tracking down opponents

In Burma a population census raises fears of tracking down

In Burma, a country ravaged by a civil war since the return to power of a military junta in 2021, a major population census began this Wednesday, October 2. An investigation “ crucial » to prepare for the elections promised for 2025, says the army. Pro-democracy forces suspect the junta of wanting to track down opponents of the regime.

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In Burmastate television shows the junta leader, General Min Aung Hlaingsurrounded by members of his family responding to one of the 42,000 census takers. Until October 15, the teams will go door to door, and the 56 million Burmese will have little choice but to answer their 68 questions. Police officers are there to “ convince » the recalcitrants.

Officially, the census must be used to update the electoral lists. But what good can questions about family members who live outside the home do? Critics of the junta are convinced: the real purpose of the census is to identify men and women who have joined rebel groups or who have fled the country to escape military service.

The government of national unity in exile and several armed groups from ethnic minorities who are fighting the military regime are therefore calling for a boycott. The Chin Brotherhood Alliance, which unites several armed groups in Chin State, in the west of the country, even warned in a statement that actions would be taken “ towards anyone participating in the military council census in our region “. The census will be difficult to carry out in any case. In recent months, the junta has lost control of entire swathes of the country.

Also listenWhere is Burma three years after the coup?
