in Bukavu, controversy over recurring fatal fires and their causes

in Bukavu controversy over recurring fatal fires and their causes

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), four people died and around thirty houses burned in two fires on June 9, 2024 in Bukavu in the province of South Kivu. For around ten years, this town in eastern DRC has experienced repeated cases of fires, especially during the dry season. Civil society is more concerned and is calling on local authorities. Reporting.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Bukavu, William Basimike

Amid the debris, Mudumbi Mweze Memucan, sleeves rolled up, is part of the rescue teams who discovered the bodies of victims in fires that occurred on Sunday in Bukavu, in the east of the DRC : “ Here we found four charred bodies: the mother and her three children. The father was seriously injured in the back, we took him to the hospital. Unfortunately the houses are stuck together to such an extent that the fire engine had difficulty getting through. »

Most of the burned houses were built from boards soaked in waste oil, which raises the question of uncontrolled construction and urbanization. Master Zozo Sakali, an actor in civil society, appeals to this effect: “ Here, it is once again an opportunity to carry out strong advocacy and we ask the authorities to take an interest in this issue and to see how to provide lasting and reassuring solutions so that such cases do not repeat themselves. »

Bad household habits

The mayor of the Kadutu commune affected by these fires, Jean Mizinzi Murhandikire, blames bad domestic habits: “ It’s generally: either we left our pan on the fire, or we connected a solar panel incorrectly, or it’s linked to the storage of flammable products… But, generally, we don’t say it because we know that if we know the source we risk prosecuting the authors. »

Among the causes, Jean Mizinzi also mentions fraudulent electrical current connections. He adds that an emergency meeting is planned in the coming days to discuss prevention measures.

Read alsoDRC: deadly floods in Bukavu and the South Kivu region
