In Buenos Aires, a big march to support Ukraine and denounce the war

In Buenos Aires a big march to support Ukraine and

In Argentina, where there is a large community of Ukrainian origin, hundreds of people demonstrated on the evening of Sunday March 6 to denounce the war in Ukraine led by Russia.

With our correspondent in Buenos Aires, Jean Louis Buchet

In tight ranks, the demonstrators marched from May Square to the Obelisk, two emblematic places in Buenos Aires. Many Ukrainian flags, families, a majority of women

Graciela has no personal connection with Ukraine. She is here for peace: I believe that peace is possible, she explains. We cannot remain silent. We must stand up and tell the rulers of this world that war solves nothing. It’s madness ! The solution is dialogue and negotiation ! »

►Also listen: Headline: War in Ukraine affects Haitian students

Virginia marches with a Venezuelan flag. Exiled in Argentina For three years, she has denounced Vladimir Putin’s war but also the support of the government of Nicolás Maduro for this military adventure: ” I am here as a Venezuelan to demonstrate that I disagree with Russia and that the government of Venezuela does not represent any Venezuelan, from there or from anywhere in the world ! »

The march ends with the accents of the Ukrainian anthem, sung by many participants. But this event also brought together many Argentines with no connection to the large community of Ukrainian origin in the country.
