in Bordeaux, Christiane Taubira wants to rehabilitate democracy

in Bordeaux Christiane Taubira wants to rehabilitate democracy

While the vote for the Popular Primary opened on Thursday, Christiane Taubira, favorite in the ballot, held a meeting on Thursday January 27 in Bordeaux. The opportunity for the former Minister of Justice to defend the ballot, criticized from all sides on the left, but also to shape her status as a presidential candidate.

With our special correspondent in Bordeaux, Aurelien Devernoix

We have no right to allow five more years. » Christiane Taubira hammers it, there is a danger: Emmanuel Macron. Danger for education, danger for the climate and above all for democracy: “ Obviously, we have in mind the citizens’ convention for the climate. What happened ? A denial of public speaking. This denial of public speech, it discredits the democratic experience. »

Rehabilitate democracy, she, Christiane Taubira, will do. She wants proof his involvement in the popular Primary unlike its rivals on the left. ” Because democracy is indeed the risk of uncertainty. But if the process is also decried, it is because it is scary. And that’s normal, the people are scary. »

Mixed enthusiasm

In the audience, as young as they are enthusiastic, the argument of the former Keeper of the Seals had its effect, especially with Clément. ” The people are scary and it’s the truth. We saw it during the “yellow vests”. Thomas is much less convinced by the substance of the speech. ” It lacked a bit of concrete for me, he regrets. For example, when she talks about Parliament, she says that with a simple mechanism, she will be able to introduce more diversity. Ok, but what mechanism? I find it a bit easy. »

In the Taubira camp, however, they show their satisfaction at having sold out. A good omen, we hope, before the result of the primary on Sunday.

To listen also: Beginning of the popular Primary vote: “It’s an unprecedented test of strength”
