In Bolivia, more than 20 people died in a traffic accident | News in brief

According to the police, an additional 16 people were injured in the accident. According to initial information, the accident occurred when a truck was trying to overtake the car in front.

In Bolivia, at least 22 people died in a head-on collision between a truck and a bus on Saturday, reports say La Paz District Police. According to the police, an additional 16 people were injured in the accident.

Bolivian newspapers, among others, reported on the matter Correo del Sur and El Deber.

The accident happened in the western part of Bolivia on a busy road running from the city of Patacamaya to the Chilean border.

According to preliminary information, the accident occurred when a truck was trying to overtake the car driving ahead.

According to the police, the drivers of both vehicles died in the accident.

Around 1,400 people die in traffic accidents in Bolivia every year, according to statistics from the country’s administration. The main causes of accidents are often technical problems and driving errors.

In April, 14 people died in a traffic accident in northwestern Bolivia.
