in Beijing, return to schools postponed after cases of Covid-19

in Beijing return to schools postponed after cases of Covid 19

Most students will not return to school next week in Beijing, as previously announced. A decision by the health authorities this Saturday, June 11, after the discovery of a new source of infection in the Chinese capital.

With our correspondent in Beijing, Stephane Lagarde

It’s a new disappointment for young and old, especially for parents, after a month and a half of math, language and even sports lessons on screen at home.

Due to the evolution of the epidemic, the initial date of return to class for primary and secondary schools has been adjusted “Explained the authorities modestly during the 362nd press conference on the prevention and control of viral pneumonia at the end of the afternoon this Saturday in Beijing.

Because in the country of “zero Covid”, the slightest contamination restarts the process of eliminating the virus. Some 115 cases have been reported since the discovery of a cluster in a downtown bar on June 6, the day after the return to work and the lifting of health restrictions in the capital.

An accordion epidemic control strategy, with reopenings and closings depending on the appearances / disappearances of Omicron. For Shanghai, the same scenario. Two weeks after the deconfinement, a massive screening campaign was launched with more than 20 million inhabitants.

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