in Bangui, demonstration of support for Russia

in Bangui demonstration of support for Russia

In the Central African Republic, several dozen people gathered this Saturday morning March 5 in the capital Bangui to show their support for Russia in its war against Ukraine.

With our correspondent in Bangui, Carol Valade

On March 2, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The Central African Republic then abstained, like Mali, South Africa and 14 other African countries. But the Bangui authorities have not yet taken an official position on the subject.

Since 2018, Russian paramilitaries have been fighting alongside the Central African Armed Forces (FACA) against armed groups. Officially, Russia recognizes some 1,300 instructors who came to train the Central African army. But according to the UN, it is in fact mercenaries employed by the private military company Wagner who are guilty of serious human rights violations against civilians across the country.

At the pro-Russian demonstration on Saturday, banners and placards displayed the slogans ” Russia + RCA = friendship », « Russia and the Central African Republic against Nazism ” or ” It’s NATO’s fault “.

“France did nothing but Russia saved us”

At the initiative of this gathering, National Galaxy, an association deemed close to power. Its president Blaise-Didacien Kossimatchi harangued the crowd, explaining that Ukraine had provoked the conflict, before accusing France of ” want to assassinate President Touadera “. Applause followed, then the national anthem.

We are here to support Russia since it defended us against the rebels », explains an organizer. France did nothing but Russia saved us “adds a young man.

In the crowd, many children in the front row. A group of young women were waving pennants: “ I’m not sure what’s going on there, but I was told to come “explains one of them. Then, this student who was passing by, confided to us his fears of seeing the war in Europe have consequences, particularly economic ones in his country.

Read also: War in Ukraine: at the UN, African countries refrain from all support for the Russian invasion
