In Baldur’s Gate 3 you can use a little trick to heal all of your companions at once

The RPG Baldur’s Gate 3 leaves us with many options. For example, there are several ways and means to get life points. A player has now shared a method that many fans have not even known.

How does the method work? One way to heal yourself are appropriate healing potions. However, in this case, the potion only heals the user. There is also a way to heal multiple characters at once.

To do this, the potion simply has to be thrown on the floor. As soon as you throw your potion near your party, all characters in the vicinity will be healed.

User hardslappy in the Reddit forum has created a suitable meme for this. It shows Frodo from The Lord of the Rings staring at a healing potion. Above and below is the text in English: “When you’ve learned to throw potions on the ground. A healing potion to heal them all.” This is a nod to the ring motto, β€œOne ring to rule them all.”

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The benefit of this method is that multiple characters are healed at once, not just the user. However, the whole thing can also go wrong, as another user reports.

He accidentally threw the potion at an NPC’s head. The throw did so much damage that the character died. So watch out if you want to try the trick yourself!

Another user had an accident while throwing the healing potion. He had to realize that he had thrown not just one, but all of the healing potions at once. He loaded the save before the throw out of shame.

Nonetheless, it is a good method of healing. If someone in your party has enough health potions but doesn’t need them themselves, they can use them on behalf of their party members.

Are there other methods to heal yourself? If you’ve run out of health potions, there are other ways to heal yourself:

However, the healing potions are the good middle ground, since they can be found everywhere in the world, can be made by yourself and sometimes restore larger amounts of life points.

Many users are grateful to the thread creator for sharing his trick with all other Baldur’s Gate 3 players. This allows them to use their potions to heal multiple party members should they find themselves in a bind.

If you want more tips for Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll find them in the following article on MeinMMO: Baldur’s Gate 3 tips and tricks: Here are the 9 best tips from players
