In Aubervilliers, the charity Restos du Coeur in difficulty

In Aubervilliers the charity Restos du Coeur in difficulty

In France, we are witnessing a momentum of mobilization to respond to the distress call of the Restos du Coeur. This charitable association provides more than a third of food aid in the country and is on the verge of bankruptcy. In 2022, the NGO distributed 142 million meals. It is already this year at more than 170 million. Needs are increasing, but resources are not. The Restos du Coeur are suffering in particular from price inflation.

Zakia Youssef distributes the food. Among the most precious of the local, baby products. This dynamic 50-year-old has been a volunteer for four years in Aubervilliers: “ There are more and more people and we have fewer and fewer things to offer them, such as milk for the elderly. We have less. When there is none, they are in distress, they don’t know what to do. How to handle it ? Where to turn if there are no other associations? »

In one year, in Aubervilliers alone, the number of subscribers has increased from 900 to 1,000. To cope with its difficulties, the charity will have to modify its criteria for access to distributions. Zakia fears the consequences. ” There will be a lot of people jumping, let’s say. They will no longer be able to come around mid-October. We talk about it among ourselves and it worries us. »

A very complicated situation for the association

Removing families from lists is heartbreaking. But if nothing is done, the association evokes a possible closure within three years. It would be dramatic according to Yamina Bouadou, the head of the Aubervilliers branch. In contact with the beneficiaries every day. ” We have people who are counting on us, who are just waiting for help from restaurants. When we close for a month of vacation, people ask questions. We open when we have single women of course, students, retirees. »

To understand the importance of this boost, just watch Kahina put away her groceries like a treasure. This is the first time that this 37-year-old mother has benefited from the help of Restos du Coeur. ” It’s good, it’s very pretty. My husband works. We need to pay our rent. We buy fruits, vegetables, yoghurt for the children, it is necessary. We only eat what is in the house. »

Maryline Mendes is a regular. Volunteers greet her, hear from her son, but especially from her grandmother. It is for her that the young woman is there, to collect her shopping. ” She has no income and the Restos du Coeur help her eat every day. I told my grandmother that she might no longer get help from the Restos du Coeur. As she is very religious, she told me “I hope God will help us”. »

For now, the association relies on solidarity. Since the cry of alarm from its president on Monday, donations from businesses and individuals have been pouring in.

Read alsoFrance: overwhelmed by the social situation, the Restos du Coeur call for help
