in Argentina, tens of thousands of demonstrators in the street

in Argentina tens of thousands of demonstrators in the street

In Argentina, the relationship between Alberto Fernandez’s government and the social organizations that support it is becoming increasingly tense. Yesterday Sunday, like every August 7, the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy brought together tens of thousands of people throughout the country. While inflation should reach 90% this year, they demanded in particular the establishment of a universal income for informal workers from the working classes.

with our correspondent in Buenos Aires, Theo Conscience

The young tradition dates back to 2016. It had been interrupted by the pandemic. On August 7, social organizations close to the government marched from the Church of San Cayetano, patron saint of bread and workers, to the center of Buenos Aires with a demand: ” Having access to land, a roof and a job “.

Leonor Larraburu is referent of the Utep, the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy. ” We are mainly fighting for the establishment of a universal income for 7 and a half million Argentines. »

The Peronist government refuses to set up the very costly universal income demanded by its allies. At the podium, Dina Sanchez, secretary general of UTEP, conversely criticizes the budgetary discipline measures announced this week. ” All we hear are measures aimed at the markets! So there will be no measures in favor of the working classes? We demand a policy to end misery in Argentina! »

Read also : Sergio Massa, providential man or last card of a Peronism in perdition?

Yesterday’s mobilization sounds like a warning from social organizations close to the government. Sign that the rupture is however not yet completely consumed, the demonstration took place on the avenue of July 9 and not in front of the presidential palace on the place of May.

Read also : Faced with inflation, thousands of Argentines take to the streets
