In Argentina, millions of people at the championship party – the team bus moves slowly in the chaos of Buenos Aires, a woman fell from the bridge into the bus

In Argentina millions of people at the championship party

The Argentine team that won the soccer world championship was celebrated today in a national celebration.

21:26•Updated 22:00

The Argentine team that won the soccer world championship is celebrated today in Buenos Aires. The celebration has caused huge crowds of people to move and the whole city into chaos.

A national holiday has been declared in Argentina. Up to millions of people are expected at the championship party.

The team’s bus was supposed to go around the capital Buenos Aires, but there were so many people at the Obelisco landmark in the center, for example, that the plans had to be changed. The route of the bus has been changed several times and it has managed to move very slowly, but the atmosphere among the players has been high.

Editor of Maija Salmi told earlier from the scene how people headed from the Obelisco towards the bridge over the highway, from where the bus could be seen.

Next, Salmi was on the bridge, where thousands of fans were waiting for the bus.

– There has been absolutely crazy chaos here today. For example, the subway driver had to ask the passengers to calm down so that the subway would not derail. The route of the players’ bus has been changed numerous times and it is still not completely certain where the players will go, Salmi said.

The next report came from the highway. In that, several locals also got to speak in a jubilant mood.

Salmi said that the players will probably fly over the city center by helicopter, because there is no way to go there by bus. According to his information, a female person had also fallen from the bridge into the team bus. He wasn’t hurt.

Argentina won its previous World Cup in 1986.
