in an emergency service in the rear of the front line, in the south of Ukraine

in an emergency service in the rear of the front

In the south of Ukraine, while the counter-offensive of Ukrainian troops towards Kherson continues, at the rear, the medical personnel are not idle. Meeting with an emergency doctor in a hospital in the region.

With our special envoys, Anastasia Becchio and Boris Vichith

In the cramped office of Dmitro, an emergency doctor, a washing machine, a sink, a sofa: the essentials to be able to stay several days or weeks in a row in the hospital. On the ground, boxes pile up…

When we bring wounded soldiers to us, we tear their uniforms, they find themselves naked and when we take them out of resuscitation to transfer them elsewhere, they have to be dressed, explains the doctor. That’s why in this box, there’s something to put them on, there, underwear, socks… »

In addition to the soldiers, whose number the doctor cannot reveal, the emergency services, understaffed, have to deal with a large influx of wounded civilians.

The shelling has intensified for some time, he assures. We are being brought more and more often civilians affected by these bombardments. They have multiple organ injuries. Most often, the Russians fire with S-300 transformed into surface-to-surface missiles, Smertch and Ouragan. »

Between two operations, Dmitro tracks information about the Ukrainian army counter-offensive underway in the Kherson region.

Provided that they succeed and that all this is not in vain. We hope a lot. If we push them further away, their rockets will take longer to reach us and we will have an easier time defending ourselves. »

Outside, the siren sounds… Imperturbable, the doctor returns to his patients in intensive care.
