in Alsace, Emmanuel Macron plays the card of Europe

President-candidate Emmanuel Macron was on Tuesday April 12 on a visit to Alsace, Mulhouse and Strasbourg. He held his first big meeting of the between-two-tower in front of the cathedral of Strasbourg.

With our special correspondent in Alsace, Pierre Olivier

A meeting and three objectives. Alone on stage in the middle of the crowd, Emmanuel Macron, candidate, first reconnected with the atmosphere of his public meetings and his intonations, which had seduced his voters in 2017. So we’ll carry on together, we’ll fight “, he launched.

In Strasbourg, seat of the European Parliament, Emmanuel Macron poses as the defender of Europe. And he takes the opportunity to shoot his arrows against his rival, Marine Le Pen. ” This election is also a referendum on Europe. Because, between the project that I defend and that of the far-right candidate, things are clear. The project of the far right is a project to leave the Council of Europe. To leave the Council of Europe is to leave the European Union. So, the Europe that I defend is a framework of peace, stability, the value of democracy, and freedom “, he launches.

Earlier in the day, the president-candidate had accused his opponent of telling ” carabistouilles on its European program. ” She explains that she won’t pay the club bill, that she will change the rules, but that she will change the rules on her own. It means that she wants to go out, but she doesn’t dare to say it anymore “, estimated Emmanuel Macron.

She even put in her program that she wants to make an alliance between nation-states. So she wants to get out of Europe and probably do something again with her friends. If it wants an alliance with Hungary and Poland, it will be a funny club “, he said again.

Taken to task

The candidate president also wants to seduce the voters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the left and takes stock of the measures taken during the Covid-19 crisis. ” When I hear that in France, there is no social policy, look elsewhere! Where have we helped so many artists, craftsmen, merchants?… “Candidate until the end, it is on the European anthem that Emmanuel Macron ended his meeting, in a final walkabout for this day of campaign.

While his supporters cheered him on with the cry of “five more years”, pro-“yellow vests”, pro-Mélenchon or even climate defenders mixed in with the crowd took him to task on multiple occasions, claiming in particular: Macron, give back the ISF! “Each time, Emmanuel Macron suspended his speech on Europe to respond to their accusations or slogans, defending his record and his projects. The security service evacuated a few groups.

► To read also: Presidential 2022: Nicolas Sarkozy supports Emmanuel Macron

