In Albania, Georgia Meloni welcomes the construction of a migrant reception center

In Albania Georgia Meloni welcomes the construction of a migrant

The head of the Italian government, Giorgia Meloni, traveled to Albania to take stock with her Albanian counterpart, Edi Rama, on the construction work on migrant reception centers at the port of Shëngjin and Gjadër, in the north from the country. Infrastructure aimed at outsourcing the reception of up to 3,000 men, the commissioning of which will constitute a “ a new phase in the management of the migration problem ”, according to Meloni.

3 mins

With our correspondent in Rome, Anne Le Nir

A sort of site inspection visit, in the form of yet another outing on the migration issue for Giorgia Meloni. The construction of migrant reception centers at the port of Shëngjin and Gjadër are the result of an agreement signed by theItaly and Albania, in November 2023. Meloni wishing to delegate, “ from August 1, 2024 », to theAlbania, welcoming 1,000 migrant men per month, up to 3,000 eventually. Vulnerable people including women, minors and people with disabilities are excluded from this support. In principle, migrants intercepted at sea by Italian military ships will be taken to Albania from the Sicilian port of Lampedusa.

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Television channels broadcast images of the identification center in the port of Shengjin and others showing bulldozers on the former military base of Gjadër where a temporary detention center will be built. On site, the head of the Italian government took the opportunity to speak: “ If what we have imagined here works – and it will – then we will have inaugurated a completely new phase in the management of the migration problem. “, she said.

A project criticized by the opposition, denounced by NGOs

A public appearance on a subject which agitates all the extreme right in Europe at election time. “ I would like to thank Prime Minister Edi Rama once again for signing an agreement that I consider to be of great European significance.welcomed the Prime Minister. He sets three main objectives. Fight against human trafficking, prevent irregular immigration, welcome into Europe only those who have the right to do so. This project can represent a very powerful instrument of deterrence for illegal migrants wishing to reach Europe “.

Some have expressed doubts about the timing, and therefore about the functioning of the centersadded Meloni. Obviously among them also, several opposition parliamentarians […]. First they accuse us of wanting to create Guantanamo and then they complain about the construction delays of Guantanamo “. The construction of these centers, in the form of prefabricated structures according to the images of the visit, has been roundly criticized by several NGOs, who criticize inhuman treatment and denounce an agreement “ illegal » under international law. Criticisms brushed aside by the Italian Prime Minister and her Albanian counterpart. Mr. Rama insisted that Tirana was helping a “ friendly country “, and not a model that can be duplicated in other European countries.

Read alsoEuropeans: in Italy, Giorgia Meloni calls for “building a right-wing government in Europe”

In total, Italy is expected to spend around 700 million euros on outsourcing migrants to Albania. An initiative strongly criticized by the opposition which denounces the waste of public money, to the detriment of health services, and the violation of international conventions.
