In Africa, the number of millionaires is expected to explode over the next ten years

In Africa the number of millionaires is expected to explode

The continent’s big fortunes are expected to increase by 65%. This is what emerges from the annual report on African fortunes, published by the London firm Henley and Partners.

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The Big Five – South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya and Morocco – alone represent 56% of the continent’s millionaires and 90% of its billionaires. But among the 54 billionaires born on the continent, only 21 still live there. “ Many people make their fortune in Africa then move to other countries in search of a better quality of life, a better education system for their children and better access to health care. », Explains Dominic Volek, of Henley and Partners.

And certain sectors are particularly promising for those looking to grow their wealth by Africa. “ Raw materials such as coal, gold, all products from the mining industry, listsDominic Volek. But then, they often feel the need to reinvest in their country of origin, in the fintech sector, media, entertainment, and of course in eco-tourism and other development projects. »

And some countries like Mauritius and Namibia are doing everything to attract the most fortunate. “ Clearly, there are advantages in terms of taxation, and this is particularly the case in Mauritius. As for Namibia, it is a country which offers opportunities in the oil and gas sector, where projects are being developed around green hydrogen – and which offer interesting investment prospects. »

In the next ten years, Mauritius and Namibia are expected to experience growth of more than 80% in the number of millionaires on their territory.

Read alsoAfrican billionaires are shaping the continent
