In Abidjan, the president of the Burkinabe transition assures that “commitments will be respected”

In Abidjan the president of the Burkinabe transition assures that

Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba was in Abidjan on Monday September 5th. Second trip abroad for the president of the Burkinabè transition, after Mali last Saturday. The lieutenant-colonel was received by Alassane Ouattara. On the menu for discussion: the fight against terrorism, security and economic cooperation, but also the timetable for the transition.

With our correspondent in Abidjan, Peter Pinto

At the beginning of July, ECOWAS and the Burkinabè junta had managed to agree on a period not exceeding 24 months (from July 1, 2022) to organize elections. Abidjan is therefore keen to ensure that this timetable will be respected, as indicated by Alassane Ouattara.

At ECOWAS level, we considered that Burkina was making a lot of efforts and should continue to be supported, and that we should ensure that you can establish a reasonable transition schedule, and that is what you have done. Of course, the end of this process must be democratic elections when the time comes. We trust you in your decision to honor the commitments you have made. »

Rest assured ! The schedule will be respected, replies in substance Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba. “ The commitments made at the level of ECOWAS will be respected and the transition will work in the first part to bring back more stability inside the country and will organize the elections for a return to a normal constitutional order. »

Among the priorities of the junta, security is at the top. ” This situation of terrorist attacks concerns the entire sub-region. We must do everything to continue to support you “, agreed the Ivorian president, pleading for a strengthening of military cooperation, and the exchange of information.

Finally, President Damiba pleaded for solutions to be found between the Malian and Ivorian authorities, to resolve the question of the 46 Ivorian soldiers still detained in Bamako.
