in a position of strength, what result in the second round of the legislative elections?

in a position of strength what result in the second

In a favorable position in the 3rd constituency of Val-de-Marne, what will be the result of Louis Boyard in the second round of the early legislative elections?

The rebellious Louis Boyard in a very favorable position in the three-way race of the 3rd constituency of Val-de-Marne for the second round of the early legislative elections. In the first round, he came out on top by collecting more than 42% of the votes cast, far ahead of Arnaud Barbotin, the candidate supported by Marion Maréchal (27%) and the candidate Together (presidential majority) Loïc Signor (23%) who decided to stay in order to “convince that a third way exists”, thus setting aside the recommendations of Prime Minister Gabriel Attal to withdraw in the event of a candidate coming third Together to block the RN and support a single so-called “republican” candidate. Proof that despite the 221 withdrawals between the first and second rounds, some candidates decided not to follow the instructions of those in charge.

The very media-friendly Louis Boyard, invested by the New Popular Front for this legislative election will therefore not be able to count on a hypothetical transfer of votes from the Macronist candidate, but his lead from the first round should be enough to allow him to regain a seat in the National Assembly. If he retains his status as favorite due to his good score in the first round, nothing is decided in this constituency and a surprise is always possible. Below, a first projection of the new National Assembly according to the pollster Ipsos Talan.

What is Louis Boyard’s (NFP) background?

Louis Boyard was quickly drawn into political life. Indeed, the 22-year-old MP started by joining the former UNL student union at the age of 17, which fought for “equal opportunities”. In 2019, he became known on Twitter by taking on the former Minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner, on the sidelines of a yellow vest demonstration. The unionist accused the police of having “broken” his foot following a shot from an LBD (Defense Ball Launcher, editor’s note)”. He then received the support of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

In September 2022, the young man indicated that he was putting aside his academic studies to devote himself to his mandate as a deputy, as reported by the media 20 Minutes. Indeed, the bar will come after the benches of the hemicycle because Louis Boyard is an LFI deputy for Val-de-Marne, he who obtained 51.98% of the votes cast in the second round in June 2022. The latter has now been invested by the New Popular Front for these early legislative elections.
