In a nightie upon waking, Jennifer Lopez appears natural and receives criticism from her fans… Find out why!

In a nightie upon waking Jennifer Lopez appears natural and

While she wanted to reveal her natural face out of bed, Jennifer Lopez received many comments about a beauty faux pas. Able to accelerate skin aging, here is the make-up subtlety that has not escaped the radar of beautystas.

On her Instagram account, Jennifer Lopez posted a photo of her waking up on August 28. If many of her fans complimented her on her natural beauty, other Internet users have noted this make-up error not to be reproduced.

Jennifer Lopez sleeps with her makeup on

It is to wish a “Good day” and one “Happy Monday!” that Jennifer Lopez posted a selfie on Instagram. We discover the singer in her bed, in a green nightie and with slightly disheveled hair. The star 54 years old wanted to display her fresh and glowing complexion when she wakes up, yet her beauty does not seem so natural. Some Internet users pointed to the makeup worn by Jennifer Lopez in this shot, which seemed to be taken out of bed. “Someone slept with their eyes made up”, “you didn’t remove your make-up!!” or “I wish I could wake up in the morning and have all that makeup on“criticized some in comments. Indeed, in the photo, we see that the wife of Ben Affleck has makeup eyes with brown eyeshadow and brown pencil.

Why should you remove makeup before sleeping?

While she claims to reveal herself without makeup, Jennifer Lopez is known to be a big fan of filters, which she uses frequently on her skincare videos. This time, it is therefore made up that she shows herself “au natural”, committing a make-up fault which can be disastrous for the beauty and the youth of the face. While the skin regenerates during the night, makeup clogs the pores which can no longer breathe and the skin regeneration process is slowed down. Results : a dull complexion, blemishes and fine lines. It is therefore essential to remove make-up every night to ensure beautiful skin when you wake up.
