With EVE Online, the studio CCP Games has developed a successful space MMORPG. Now they want to dedicate themselves to other genres, but they remain true to space and the online aspect. With EVE Frontier they want to release a free survival MMO. A closed alpha is starting soon, which you can take part in if you invest.
What is EVE Frontier? EVE Frontier is set to be a new online survival MMO set in the same universe as EVE Online. The developers primarily rely on a lot of freedom and sandbox mechanics. The game should have the following systems:
In dark space you then have to try to survive and explore the vastness and dangers of the universe. In addition, EVE Frontier is intended to give players many opportunities to permanently change the world on the servers using blockchain technology. The game is supposed to be Free2Play, but if you want to start playing beforehand, you can get Founder Access.
You can find a teaser for the game here:
The official teaser for the new game in the EVE Online universe
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You will soon be able to play with Founder Access
What is Founder Access? CCP Games has now announced Founder Access. This offers you the opportunity to take part in the upcoming Closed Alpha. It starts on December 10th. The server should be permanently active, so you don’t have to adapt to a specific time. Access should be permanent.
According to CCP Games, Founder Access owners can also provide feedback during the Closed Alpha. New content and features should then be added continuously.
In addition to alpha access, the Founder Access Packs also offer other content:
The pack also includes a premium subscription time that can be redeemed when the game launches fully as a Free2Play game. You can check out the different versions of Founder Access on the official website. There are 3 packages between $39.99 and $99.99 and you currently have a $10 discount on each package.
When exactly the full version of EVE Frontier will launch is currently unknown. But Frontier isn’t the studio’s only future project. With EVE Vanguard you also want to become a shooter MMO in the style of Destiny. MeinMMO editor Dariusz Müller was able to talk to CCP Games about the upcoming game: EVE Vanguard can be the next big MMO shooter for Destiny fans, but with the difference that you can change the story