In a forum, French sports personalities call to vote “against the extreme right”

In a forum French sports personalities call to vote against

Several dozen French sports personalities call in a column published Sunday on the website of The Team to vote against the far right during the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.“ Today we are behind, on the verge of losing the match. But we still have a few days left to react », They write in this column. “ Let’s vote against the far right, which has just achieved a historic score in the European elections », They add. The platform has been signed at this stage by more than 60 personalities, athletes, coaches or managers. Among which are former athletes Marie-José Pérec and Monique Ewanje-Epée, sailors Isabelle Autissier and François Gabart, former footballer Vikash Dhorasoo and ex-rugby players Serge Betsen and Fulgence Ouedraogo and Yannick Noah
