in a favorable ballot in Sarthe, what result in the second round of the legislative elections?

in a favorable ballot in Sarthe what result in the

Committed to facing the New Popular Front in the second round of the legislative elections, what result can Marie-Caroline Le Pen hope for in the 4th constituency of Sarthe?

The National Assembly could soon have two members of the Le Pen family. Marine’s older sister, Marie-Caroline, came out on top in the first round of early legislative elections with a score of 39.29% in the 4th constituency of Sarthestronghold of François Fillon. She is ahead of the NFP candidate Elise Leboucher (25.94%) and Sylvie Casenave-Péré invested by the presidential majority (25.88%).

Coming in third place, Macronist candidate Sylvie Casenave-Péré announced on Monday that she was withdrawing, the transfer of votes should therefore be in favor of Elise Leboucher, NFP candidate. It will therefore be a duel in this constituency of Sarthe between the New Popular Front and Marie-Caroline Le Pen’s RN, and not a three-way race. Will the lead of the Le Penist party candidate be enough to resist the transfer of votes from Macronie? Could the 10% achieved by LR counterbalance and partly benefit the RN? The answer will be given during the results this Sunday at 8 p.m.Below is a first projection of the new National Assembly according to the pollster Ipsos Talan.

In Sarthe, Marie-Caroline Le Pen believes she is responding to “the call of the activists”

“I don’t feel parachuted in” stated Marie-Caroline Le Pen on June 9 on France Bleu Maine. Indeed, the latter was invested by the RN in the 4th constituency of Sarthe, stronghold of François Fillon whom she does not really know. However, she assures that she “responded to the call of the activists. I was asked to come to try to take this constituency from LFI. If I had wanted a winnable constituency, I would have taken an easier and closer one. The activists of this department asked me to come” she explained.

In 2022, during the last legislative elections, the first round saw the National Rally narrowly fail against La France Insoumise. First in the first round by totaling 21.30% of the votes, against 21.87% for the left-wing candidate. In the second round, the RN narrowly failed, 49.85% against 50.15%. Enough to give legitimate hope to the National Rally candidate to this time tip the scales in her favor in the second round after the victory of the first.
