In a destroyed kibbutz across the Gaza border – Hamas terrorists killed entire families

In a destroyed kibbutz across the Gaza border Hamas

‘s foreign correspondent Antti Kuronen visited the Kafir Aza kibbutz on the Gaza border in Israel, where fierce battles were still taking place yesterday. The footage of the story video can shock you.

KAFIR AZA The view is stark. Soldiers carry body bags out of kibbutz apartments.

There are children’s bicycles and grills in front of the townhouses. In the apartments, shoes and things are in their place.

There are bullet holes in the walls. One of the townhouses has been completely destroyed by fire.

The Kafir Aza kibbutz is located right next to Gaza. The name means the village of Gaza.

I get to the kibbutz with the Israeli armed forces. Just the night before, the soldiers were fighting the last Hamas terrorists.

Hamas attackers lie dead on the neatly trimmed lawns of the kibbutz. According to Israel, around 1,500 attackers have been killed on the Israeli side.

Hamas executed entire families

About 700 people lived in the Kafir Azan kibbutz before the terrorist attack. How many died is an open question at this point.

Soldiers go carefully into the apartments, because some of them have explosives.

According to the soldiers, entire families were executed. The terrorist attack by Hamas started early on Saturday morning. People were still at home, most sleeping.

I bring body bags one after another from the apartments.

There is a gate on the edge of the kibbutz that has been broken down. In the background you can see Gaza, from which thick smoke rises. Israel carries out continuous airstrikes on Gaza.

Hostages were probably taken from the Kafir Aza kibbutz to Gaza, soldiers say.

It is not known for sure at this stage either.
