In addition to its original productions, Netflix offers numerous licensing titles from other studios and distributors in its streaming catalog. Since these licenses run out at a certain point, we always have to say goodbye to very great films. So also in a few days of dungeons & dragons: honor under thieves.
The fantasy blockbuster of 2023 arrived at Netflix at the end of September last year. Exactly half a year later, the streamer throws the extremely entertaining ride out of the program through a medieval fantasy world. If you have never seen dungeons & dragons: Honor under thieves – now is the last chance!
Dungeons & Dragons at Netflix: An irresistible fantasy blockbuster full of action and humor
The film is based on the pen of the same name & paper role-playing game, which has been captivating fantasy fans since 1974. Countless adventures have already been experienced in the dungeons & Dragons universe. In order to understand honor by thieves, you don’t have to have played a single one. The adaptation is completely on your own legs.
Here you can watch the trailer for dungeons & dragons:
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor under Dieben – Trailer 3 (German) HD
The focus of history is Dieb and Barde Edgin Darvis (Chris Pine), who starts looking for the blackboard. The legendary relic is supposed to make it possible to bring someone back from the dead. Since EDGIN is impossible for this task alone, he is looking for reinforcements.
Edgins group includes the Barbarin Holga (Michelle Rodriguez), the magician Simon (Justice Smith), Druidin Doric (Sophia Lillis) and the Paladin Xenk (Regé-Jean Page). And then there would be the dodgy forge (Hugh Grant). Can Edgin trust him? Well, we will find out in the course of the film.
Honor under thieves actually feels like playing a dungeons & dragons campaign
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor under thieves is not too serious, but above all has fun to let off steam in a fantasy world to their heart’s content, in which an adventurous scene is lined up. In addition, the fabulous creature and an excellently laid out cast are joined in a detailed manner.
The biggest reason that speaks for dungeons & dragons: honor under thieves is different: the film actually feels as if you are playing a small campaign in the circle of friends. Again and again typical role -playing elements and dynamics are integrated into the plot -including chaos and disagreements.
The new dungeons & Dragons film was unfortunately a flop at the box office. For this he has now found a larger fan base in the home theater. So if you are looking for an extremely entertaining fantasy adventure that is not stingy with word jokes, slapstick and situation comedy, you are in the spotlight here.
When will dungeons & dragons go to Netflix?
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor under thieves is still up to March 28, 2025 available at Netflix in the subscription. Then you have to switch to purchase and rental versions on Amazon Prime Video and Co. Or you also grab it on DVD and Blu-ray.