A tax novelty is being studied for the year 2025 and could benefit many French people.
This is a measure that could (finally) delight many French people. The budget examination has resumed and the creation or increase in taxes on the wealthiest and companies are mainly on the agenda. However, a device that would save certain households could be established. This would make it possible to transmit more assets in relation to the current rules, without paying 1 euro to taxes.
The idea germinated during the fall, during the first parliamentary works on the tax rules of 2025, with the support of the government. But with censorship, everything fell into the water … before it was decided to go back to work in progress. The proposal has therefore made its way and could reach. A boon for some.
Currently, it is possible to give your child 100,000 euros every 15 years without paying taxes. A rule that Deputies, senators and government want to soften. But two formulas oppose.
The Senate proposes that an exceptional donation up to 100,000 euros can be made for free, in addition to the current limit, between 1er January 2025 and December 31, 2026. A condition would however be imposed: that this sum be used by the beneficiary for the purchase or construction of his main residence and that he retains this home at least three years, or that he performs With energy renovation work in its main accommodation.
For its part, the government has a similar measure, the perimeter of which is more limited. As his cabinet indicated to Linerthe Minister of Housing, Valérie Létard, proposes that an exceptional donation can be made only for the purchase of new accommodation as a principal residence. In addition, this exceptional donation will only be possible until December 31, 2025.
It is the parliamentarians who will decide the final system chosen for 2025 but it seems in very good way that an exceptional donation up to 100,000 euros, exempt from any tax, can be established in the coming weeks. This measure “responds to the indications given by François Bayrou”, underlines the entourage of the minister. According to the proposal made by Senator LR Jean-François Husson, the shortfall for the state funds would be offset by the creation of an additional tax on the price of tobacco.
For a person who has not yet used the ceiling of € 100,000 in exempt donation and who would like to use this new device in 2025, this would allow him to transmit up to € 200,000 to each child without paying the slightest tax on it .