In 2024, Hanukkah begins on the same day as Christmas – what does the festival of lights mean?

In 2024 Hanukkah begins on the same day as Christmas

Spinning tops, the miracle of the vial of oil, Hanouka donuts… Here are the traditions and meanings of the Festival of Lights which lasts 8 days.

Each year, Hanukkah is celebrated for eight days, in memory of the miracle of the vial of oil which shone far beyond what was expected. In 2024, this religious holiday, also called the Festival of Lights, will coincide with Christmas, marking eight days of celebrations. But do you really know the origin of this Jewish holiday?

What are the dates for Hanukkah in 2024?

This year, Hanukkah will begin on Wednesday, December 25, Christmas Day, and will last until Thursday, January 2, 2025.

What is the story of Hanukkah?

In the 2nd century BCE, after numerous conflicts, the Greek-Syrian Seleucid kings dominated Judea. In an attempt to impose Hellenic culture, King Antiochus IV banned the practice of the Jewish religion, thus breaking with the policy of tolerance of his father, Antiochus III. In response, a group of Jews, led by Judas Maccabee, took up arms to resist. After their victory against the Seleucid forces, the Jews retook Jerusalem and dedicated a new altar in the temple.

Why do we talk about the “miracle of the vial of oil?”

The time has come to relight the candlestick. Only a vial of oil was found intact, after the temple was desecrated and ransacked. Its capacity was only intended to fuel the lighting for a single day, but against all expectations, a miracle occurred: the candlestick finally remained lit for eight days, exactly the time needed to carry out a new extraction of oil. This is how Hanouka became the symbol of the “Festival of Lights”, in reference to the lighting of this vial of oil which miraculously lasted 8 days. Hanukkah therefore has very deep symbolism. We celebrate the “miracle of the vial of oil”, the victory of light over darkness, hence the name “Festival of Lights”. The flame of the candle is thus a light in the night. An allegory to mean that even in the depths of despair, we can find a spark of salvation.

At Hanukkah, why do children play spinning tops?

At the time, despite the ban on the study of the Jewish religion decreed by Antiochus IV, some Jews continued to learn the Torah clandestinely. When they feared being spotted in their activity, they would rush to play with a top, in order to create a diversion.

Why do we light Hanukkah candles?

Emblem of the Hanouka celebration, the nine-branched candlestick, also called Hanukkia, is the object around which all prayers are focused. The hanukkia is directly inspired by the menorah, the seven-branched candelabra of the Temple in Jerusalem. Thus, each evening, a new candle is placed, while prayers and liturgical songs are chanted. The ninth branch, called the Shamash, is used to light the other candles. The first evening, we light a single candle using the Shamash, the second evening, two candles, and so on until the 8th day, when the candlestick is completely lit.

Why do we eat donuts on Hanukkah?

Made from oil, the donut in turn recalls the miracle of the vial… It is the central food of the Hanukkah celebration, which is dipped in sugar and shared with family. According to tradition, some donuts are also filled with chocolate or jam. Generally speaking, fried foods are eaten for Hanukkah. We then gather as a family to light the candles, we give gifts to the children, we sing and dance, while enjoying donuts.

To wish each other a happy Hanukkah, the faithful have the habit of saying to each other:Hag Sameah” Or “Hanukkah Sameah“, which mean “Happy Holiday” or “Happy Hanukkah”. If you are not part of the Jewish community, you can very well say to the person you know “Happy Hanukkah”, “Happy Hanukkah” or try the Hebrew version.
