Imprisoned Swedish researcher’s wife: Discrimination

– Have you heard the news? he asked.

Ahmadreza Djalali had to call home on Saturday after the news was published in the Iranian media. For the first time, Sweden has agreed to a prisoner exchange with the dictatorship. In exchange for life sentence Hamid Noury, convicted for participation in mass executions of political prisoners in 1988, Johan Floderus and Saeed Azizi will be released and allowed to return home, announces Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson.

Prisoner exchange between Sweden and Iran – Johan Floderus and Saeed Azizi are released for Hamid Noury

  • SVT’s reporter on Sweden’s prisoner exchange with Iran: “Hostage diplomacy”

  • Johan Floderus and Saeed Azizi on their way home – exchanged for Hamid Noury

  • Been isolated

    Nowhere does he mention Ahmadreza Djalali, father of two and researcher at the Karolinska Institute, who was imprisoned in 2016 and sentenced to death in 2017 for “corruption on earth” after he visited his old homeland to lecture on disaster medicine.

    His wife Vida Mehrannia was shaken when she heard what had happened.

    – I have no other words to describe it with than discrimination, she tells TT.

    He received Swedish citizenship in 2018, while he was in captivity. He has endured harsh treatment and been in solitary confinement for long periods. He is barely recognizable in photos taken during his time in prison.

    Changed message

    Vida Mehrannia says that the Swedish message previously was that Sweden has no agreement on prisoner exchange with Iran. But all that changed when Johan Floderus was imprisoned in 2022. According to many observers, he was captured as a direct reaction to the Swedish verdict against Hamid Noury.

    – They had the same sentence, both accused of spying for Israel. But they have not prioritized my husband.

    – If they really see us as Swedish citizens, why don’t they make as much effort for my family? says Vida Mehrannia.

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    Hear Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson about life sentence Hamid Noury ​​being exchanged for Johan Floderus. Photo: Hossein Yarahmadi/Mizan News Agency via AP/TT
