Impossible to play on the golf course in Eskilstuna: “Incredibly wet”

On Saturday at the earliest, the golf club in Eskilstuna hopes to be able to open for play again. Then you think it has dried up enough that you can release both players and mowers onto the court.

Can’t handle the masses of water

According to club chairman Göran Lindblad, the water masses come from the Odlar area and flow to the golf course. The water should actually end up in a stream which will then be carried out into Lake Mälaren via a drum. But because it has been exploited and built in Odlaren and Trumtorp, forest land has disappeared that was previously able to take care of large amounts of water – and now the drum can’t cope with the water masses.

– It’s nothing we can do anything about. We lease the land from the municipality, and they didn’t think that such large bodies of water could come when they previously planned for the area, says Göran Lindblad.

Planning for ponds

According to him, discussions are now being held with the municipality and a ditch company about building new dams at the 13-hole course that the club plans to build in the future. In this way, it is hoped to be able to get rid of water from the court at the same time that it can be used for watering the grass.
