Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Specialist Dr. Alper Sönmez, Ramadan Feastwarned diabetic patients.
Following the long -term fasting period, delicious tables and traditional desserts consumed in abundance, can create health risks for diabetics. Dr. Sönmez, “Patients, ‘nothing happens once’ with the idea of the feast of the feast at the expense of health. But once eating status, diabetes complications can trigger,” he said.
“Fruit options or portion small homemade desserts should be preferred ‘
Specialist Serap Güzel from the Nutrition and Diet Department reminded that the festive desserts can be displaced with healthier alternatives and said, “Instead of traditional baklava or sherbet desserts, milk desserts, fruit options or portion of the portion can be preferred. sonrasında tüketilirse alınan bu enerjinin harcanması daha kolay olur. Bayram sofralarında ‘ayıp olur’ kaygısıyla her ikramı kabul etmek, özellikle diyabetli kişiler için risklidir. Misafirlikte ısrarla ikram edilen her tatlıyı yemek zorunda değilsiniz. Kibarca paylaşabilir, bölüşebilir, hatta tatlı yerine meyve talep edebilirsiniz. Geleneklerimizi yaşatırken sağlığımızdan olmayalım. Tatlıyı küçük porsiyonlarla ve günde bir kez tüketin. Su tüketimini ihmal etmeyin. İlaçlarınızı And do not interrupt your insulin applications. Move. Take a 10-15 minute walk after each meal. Do not interrupt blood sugar measurements during the feast, “he said.
Diabetes (Sugar) Warnings to Patients
Prof. Dr. Sönmez, in his statement, drawing attention to the risks that are frequently seen in individuals with diabetes during the holidays, “We are a society that loves dessert, this is our cultural fact. But after Ramadan, the body is still trying to get used to the hunger order, sudden and intense sugar consumption can lead to serious fluctuations in blood sugar levels. You can not be able to see the patients who start with the dizziness of the patients who are consuming their medication during the feast.