Important warning from experts! Widespread epidemic susceptible to antibiotics

Important warning from experts Widespread epidemic susceptible to antibiotics

Infections are highly contagious and can affect the patient and his/her environment. It is necessary to pay attention to hygiene and the drugs used in order to be protected from infectious diseases that lead to very risky situations. In the statement made by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a warning was issued about the infection epidemic, which has killed 1 person in the country and has been seen in 55 people in 12 states so far.


In the statement, it was noted that health researchers found a relationship between the infection and over-the-counter eye drops, and people were advised not to use artificial eye-watering drops.


It was noted that the infections are caused by a bacterium called “Pseudomonas aeruginosa” and are worryingly resistant to standard antibiotic therapy.

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After the bacteria were detected in the bottles of the brand EzriCare Artificial Drops, the company said that they did not have any information about a link between the epidemic and its products, but that they stopped sales as a precaution and will work closely with CDC officials.

