There is a declaration fever in Sweden. Many people now go on to have the tax refund paid out, others are waiting to pay their residual tax. Here, however, you will know about the detail you must report in the declaration in 2025.
It is time to approve the declaration. At least if you do not intend to make changes or additions.
Read more: News Today – Current news from Sweden and the world
The deductions that easily get wrong in the declaration
News24 Has previously reported on deductions that can easily be wrong in the income tax return.
-If you have received a house in connection with a housing division, or received a property as a gift, you use the value that you, for example, redeem your sibling or ex-wife with. But then you must not use the sum you buy someone for as an acquisition price, has the tax lawyer Ola Aronsson Said to News24.
He also developed that there is a deduction that was previously possible to report in the declaration that in 2025 will not go, according to Aronsson.
– One thing that was common to deduct during the pandemic was when many people made deductions for offices in the home, but it basically no longer works. Home office is said no to purely categorically. There are some opportunities but they are disappearing few.
Read more: Deductions you may not make in the declaration 2025
Don’t miss: New deductions in the declaration 2025 – you should be aware
The Swedish Tax Agency: You must report this in the declaration 2025
In addition to the deductions many people make mistakes, and who are no longer possible to report, the Swedish Tax Agency also states that you who have sold used things on the web must take certain things into consideration.
On its own website, the Swedish Tax Agency reports that the person who sold used gadgets online in 2024 in some cases has been informed about it in their income tax return. However, most people do not need to declare for income, as long as you do not make a profit of more than SEK 50,000, then it must be reported and included in the declaration.
– Most people who sell used personal things do not make any profit because things have normally been purchased at a higher price than they have been sold for. It is the profit, not the purchase price, which determines whether it must be included in the declaration and taxed. In addition, only tax on the part of the profit exceeds SEK 50,000, says Jan Janowskideclaration expert at the Swedish Tax Agency, in one Press release.
Read more: 600,000 have made the miss – may have delayed tax refund
Then you do not need to take something in the declaration in 2025
The Swedish Tax Agency believes that digital platforms have in the obligation to submit information to the Swedish Tax Agency if people have sold things for more than EUR 2,000 or more than 30 times during the year. The reason for this is EU rules aimed at contributing to fair competition. But before 2025, there is news in the form of seeing how much compensation has been paid out in the specification that comes with the declaration.
If you have had a profit of more than SEK 50,000, the part that exceeds the amount must be reported as income from capital in your declaration. For example, it may be in situations when you sold valuable antiques or similar.
– Nine out of ten that we get information about have not even sold for more than SEK 50,000. Then it is impossible that the person has made a profit of over SEK 50,000 and should therefore not include anything in the declaration, Jankowski concludes by saying.
Read more: So expensive it will be if you do not declare in time 2025
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