Implied by Donald Trump to confuse the USA! “We may have to do it again”

Implied by Donald Trump to confuse the USA We may

The USA is discussing whether former US President Donald Trump will be a candidate in the presidential elections that will take place in 2024. Donald Trump, on the other hand, continues to make remarkable statements on the agenda. Lastly, speaking at the 2022 Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas, Texas, which has been going on for 3 days, Trump, while criticizing the Democrats, also hinted at his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election.


Referring to the midterm elections that will be held on November 8, Trump said in his speech that lasted for about 2 hours, “America’s comeback begins this November, and it will continue with the unstoppable momentum that we will develop in November 2024.” made its assessment.

Pointing to the 2024 Presidential election in his speech, Trump said, “We may need to do this again.” said.

Trump also criticized the investigations opened against him during and after his Presidency.

Defending that he is the most persecuted person in the history of the country, Trump said, “If I stayed at home, this persecution of Donald Trump would stop immediately, but I can’t do that because I love my country and its people.” he said.

Trump made several references to the ongoing January 6 Committee investigation in Congress. Claiming that they stood up to “the most threatening forces, established interests and brutal opponents” the public and the country have ever seen, Trump described what happened as “disgusting”.


In the survey conducted among the conference attendees, “Who do you want to see as a candidate in the 2024 Presidential elections?” 69 percent of the respondents said Trump, while 24 percent pointed to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

It was evaluated that the poll, which was pointed out that it did not represent the general Republican voter since it was limited to conference participants only, was still important in terms of showing that Trump continues to be the most influential name in the party base and DeSantis stands out as the favorite alternative.

In an interview with New York Magazine last month, Trump stated that he has not yet made a decision on his candidacy for the 2024 election. (AA)
