Immigration, ecology… The subjects too much or not enough covered in this presidential election [SONDAGE]

Immigration ecology… The subjects too much or not enough covered

SURVEY. The YouGov survey for Linternaute provides lessons on the themes that the French want to see more addressed in this presidential campaign.

The first round of the presidential election is approaching, but the French are witnessing a strange campaign. The debates are drawn in by international news and the war that has affected Europe since the end of February, which disrupt the agendas of all the candidates involved in the race for the Elysée. Are these in line with what citizens expect from this presidential election? Do they talk enough about ecology? Conflict in Ukraine? Health ? Do they talk too much about immigration? The YouGov polling institute comes to provide answers to these questions: a few weeks before the election, here is the opinion of the French on the themes developed in this campaign.

Methodology: the survey was carried out among 1,006 people representative of the French national population aged 18 and over. The survey was conducted online, on the YouGov France proprietary panel from March 14 to 16, 2022. To find out more about this study, contact YouGov here
