Immigration, ecology… The main issues awaiting the government for its return

Reshuffle Attal to Education Rousseau to Health Schiappa and Klein

It’s already back to school for the government. Political life resumes its course with a Council of Ministers on Wednesday August 23. Autumn is likely to be sporty in Parliament, with a very sensitive bill on immigration, on which the right could stumble the government, and budgetary texts for which Elisabeth Borne could resort again to article 49.3 to allow adoption without a vote.

Emmanuel Macron remained particularly discreet this summer at Fort de Brégançon. The President of the Republic still made a short speech, Thursday, August 17, during the commemorations of the Liberation in Bormes-les-Mimosas (Var). On this occasion, he warned the youth against “chaos” and “disunity”, a few weeks after the urban riots.

The Head of State did not mention “the major political initiative” announced in early August in the columns from Figaro Magazine and expected for the end of August. Emmanuel Macron intends to meet the “political forces of the republican arc” – without the National Rally or La France insoumise – to “determine projects on which to walk together”. But there is no question of a coalition for a president deprived of an absolute majority in the National Assembly.

An ecological planning council

The Élysée had then specified to AFP that the presidential approach would relate to themes such as ecology, public services, work, order, progress or even immigration. Figaro, Emmanuel Macron had indicated that he “will use what the Constitution (him) allows to do” about a possible use of article 49.3 on the immigration law examined in the fall. “I don’t want to be jostled by fortune majorities or blockages,” warned the head of state. On July 24, Emmanuel Macron had however said he had “good hope” that the “republican” oppositions “help to build a text” on immigration.

One of the other expected issues is the ecological transition, on which a planning council around Emmanuel Macron is planned. It has been postponed several times in July due in particular to the reshuffle, but is now at the top of the pile of priorities for the executive at the start of the school year. Ecological planning “will affect all sectors and will give visibility in terms of change, in terms of investments and which has been the result of a very big job in recent months”, Emmanuel Macron explained on July 21 at the opening of the Council of Ministers.

Senate elections

That day, the President of the Republic had also specified that at the start of the school year, “we will have to prepare the country in a way for a demanding framework and order in terms of public finances”. He had mentioned a “public finance strategy” including in particular “reasonable management of our deficits” which “only allows us to be strong”. It is about “the credibility of France in Europe”, he added.

Emmanuel Macron had also announced the relaunch of several “national councils for refoundation” at the start of the school year “on many ministerial projects”, in particular health and education.

In addition, Elisabeth Borne must for her part receive this week the leaders of the parties of her majority and hold meetings on the budget. A government seminar is in the pipeline for the following week, which will also see the Prime Minister intervene when the Medef returns.

The next twelve months will also be marked by the presentation of a text in the Council of Ministers, at the end of 2023 or the beginning of 2024 depending on the progress of the discussions, which will be devoted to the new “pact of life at work” that has promised to build Emmanuel Macron. On the menu of negotiations with the social partners: an increase in the remuneration of employees, the prevention of professional wear and tear, support for the employment of seniors and the establishment of a universal time savings account. Two elections will also be held in the coming months: the senatorial elections, on September 24, and the European elections, in June 2024.
