Immigrants live in a hotel in the middle of New York, and that’s why immigration became the hottest topic of the election | Foreign countries

Immigrants live in a hotel in the middle of New

Trump and Biden voters are divided on what should be done about undocumented immigrants. A video from New York tells why immigration became a central election issue.


– New people come every day, says the Doorman in the middle of Manhattan and opens the door of the Roosevelt Hotel. A family with suitcases enters.

It’s not about tourists, but migrants, a large number of whom have entered the country illegally across the southern border via Mexico. The hotel currently has a reception center.

In the past couple of years, almost 200,000 immigrants have come to New York. Many flee violent or poor conditions in their home countries.

New York is required by city law to provide shelter to all those in need. Newcomers have been housed in, among other things, closed hotels, homeless dormitories and a former nursing home.

Mayor of New York by Eric Adams according to the city there is a humanitarian crisiswhich is left alone on the shoulders of New York.

Texas offers free rides

One of the reasons for the large number of visitors is the governor of Texas By Greg Abbott free rides offered. For a couple of years, he has been organizing bus transports for border crossers to big cities around the country.

The state of Texas receives the majority of people who cross the southern border illegally. The second most people come to Arizona. At the end of last year, a record number of illegal border crossings were made.

The Republican governor’s motive for busing has been partly political: he wants cities full of Democratic voters to experience the same thing as border states. People have also been sent to, for example, the capital Washington, Chicago and Los Angeles.

Abbott is Donald Trump a vocal supporter, and says the current administration’s border policy has failed.

Opinions about the fate of the undocumented are divided

Americans’ opinions on immigration are clearly divided.

The majority of former President Donald Trump’s supporters think that undocumented immigrants in the country should not be allowed to stay in the United States. Most of the president Joe Biden supporters have the opposite opinion.

When you look at the answers of the entire electorate, you can see a change in opinions. An increasing number of Americans think that you shouldn’t be in the country without a permit.

There are more than ten million people living in the United States who do not have official permission to be in the country.

Immigration has become one of the most central themes in the upcoming presidential elections. A survey conducted by the Wall Street Journal at the beginning of the year according to a fifth of voters consider immigration to be the most important election issue.

That’s why both candidates constantly bring up the topic. During June, President Biden has said that he will tighten the border policy and, on the other hand, that he will facilitate the path to citizenship for spouses who came to the United States illegally. The announcements address different voter groups.

Donald Trump has said that he will tighten the border policy even more if he is re-elected.
