IMF, agreement with Lebanon: aid plan worth 3 billion dollars

IMF agreement with Lebanon aid plan worth 3 billion dollars

(Finance) – The Lebanese authorities, with the support of the staff of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), have formulated a pprogram of economic reforms to rebuild the economyrestore financial sustainability, strengthen governance and transparency, increase social spending.

“The Lebanese authorities and the IMF team have reached an agreement on economic policies that could be supported by a 46-month financing agreement with access to 2,173.9 million SDRs (equivalent to approx 3 billion dollars) “, explained Ernesto Ramirez Rigo, at the head of the team of the international organization who was in Beirut from 28 March to 7 April.

“This agreement is subject to the approval of the IMF management and the Executive Board, after the timely implementation of all previous actions and the confirmation of financial support from international partners,” he added.
