images of demonstrations and scuffles in Paris

images of demonstrations and scuffles in Paris

Demonstrations by environmental activists are underway in front of the TotalEnergie tower in Paris while a general meeting of shareholders is scheduled for Friday, May 26, 2023.

The Total Tower is stormed in Paris. While a general meeting between the shareholders of TotalEnergie must take place from 10 a.m. this Friday, May 26, hundreds of environmental activists have been trying to block the premises since dawn. Sitting, blocking roads and breaking the windows of the building… Peaceful and more radical actions mingle to denounce the policy and actions of the oil giant, but also the profits reaped by shareholders in the midst of the climate crisis.

The actions and demonstrations of environmental activists from the various mobilized collectives are repressed by the police who dislodge the activists in front of Total’s premises using tear gas. “A violent repression” denounced by environmental groups such as Alternatiba.

The protests and blocking of TotalEnergie began very early this Friday with a peaceful gathering of environmental activists outside the gates of the Total Tower. Environmental activists also gathered in the streets near the premises of the oil giant armed with signs.

In addition to sittings and demonstrations, other actions were added, several activists attacked the windows of the tower, inserting themselves into the security perimeter to break the windows of the premises.

Faced with the mobilization of environmental activists, the police intervened on several occasions to forcibly dislodge the activists. Evacuation of seated activists, use of tear gas on groups of activists are denounced by the mobilized collectives.
