Images came for the canceled Star Wars game

Images came for the canceled Star Wars game

Recently, a reddit user shared some images about the canceled Star Wars game.

Recently, a reddit user named MissFeepit shared a post. The post was about the canceled Star Wars game. In the MissFeepit post,

“Lucasart was a client of my fiancee’s relative. So he had the chance to test many games himself. One of the games he tested was Star Wars: Battlefront III. As the game was canceled, most people did not hear it. All game-related documentation has been sent back to Skywalker Ranch.

However, one test CD was forgotten. AI battles, CTF and Conquest all worked fine. Years later, he stumbled upon this CD while scrolling through his old games. As a result of our research on the internet, this seems to be the only copy of the game. To be honest, we wonder what it will cost. There are no scratches on the CD, so it’s probably in good working order.”

Canceled Star Wars game was for PSP

Images came for the canceled Star Wars game

If we look at the images, the game is a PSP game. He also put it on the PSP and shot a few images, but none of them have an in-game image. Approximately 11 Star Wars games were released on the PSP before. Since no date is specified in the post, it is not known in which period PSP is intended to be released.

However, to make a small guess, Star Wars Battlefront II was released in 2005. Of course, after that, different Battlefront games were released in 2007 and 2009, respectively. The possibly canceled Star Wars game was being tested around 2010-2011. There is a high probability that it was canceled as there were periods when the PSP period was gradually closed.

Images came for the canceled Star Wars game
