“Image from the James Webb Telescope,” he said, and the sausage came out! he joked

Image from the James Webb Telescope he said and the

French scientist Etienne Klein apologized after admitting that the image he shared, saying “it was taken from the James Webb Telescope”, is actually a slice of sausage. It all started when the director of the French Atomic Energy Commission, Klein, shared an image on his Twitter account on July 31 that he claimed showed the closest star to the Sun, Proxima Centauri.


“This level of detail… a new world is emerging every day,” Etienne Klein excited in a tweet to more than 90,000 followers. However, Professor Klein admitted that the glowing celestial body shown was actually nothing more than a slice of sausage.

he apologized

Klein apologized for what he described as “a scientist’s joke”. He stated that his aim was to remind people to “be mindful of the arguments of people in positions of authority”. “I’ve come to offer my apologies to anyone who may have been shocked by my joke, which had nothing to do with the original,” Klein tweeted.

This joke of the scientist received criticism from some Twitter users.
