illimity Bank purchases its own shares and concludes the program

illimity funds present an application for the integration of the

(Finance) – illimity Bankannounced that he had the share buyback program concluded with the planned purchase of 1,000,000 ordinary shares. He also made it known that he had purchased from 17 to 24 June 2024 overall 160,000 ordinary sharesequal to 0.19% of the share capital, for a countervalue total of 757,937.00 euros.

Since the start of the program, illimity has purchased the maximum 1,000,000 ordinary shares (equal to 1.19% of the share capital), for a total value of 4,886,923.47 euros.

Following the purchases announced today, 25 June and considering the treasury shares already in the portfolio, the bank founded by Corrado Passera holds 1,088,445 treasury shares equal to 1.29% of the share capital.

In Piazza Affari, today, negative closing for illimity Bankwith a decline of 2.40%.
