Ilia Yachine, one of the last opposition figures, arrested in Moscow

Ilia Yachine one of the last opposition figures arrested in

Opponent Ilya Iachine, one of the last Russian opposition figures still in Russia and free, was arrested in Moscow. This was indicated on Tuesday, June 28 by his lawyer Vadim Prokhorov.

According to the information at my disposal, he is charged with disobeying police orders. “, an offense punishable by 15 days in prison, wrote Vadim Prokhorovk, Ilia Yashin’s lawyer on Facebook, while indicating that he was not allowed to see his client. According to him, a Moscow court could decide this Tuesday on the fate of Ilia Yachine: incarceration, semi-freedom, release or house arrest.

The opponent was arrested on Monday while walking in a Moscow park, his friend, journalist Irina Babloïan, who was with him, said on Telegram. ” They say he allegedly insulted the police and used swear words during the arrest. It’s not true “Assured the journalist, witness to the arrest.

An opposition figure since the great anti-Kremlin movement

Ilia Iachine has been a prominent figure for years of opposition, especially during the great anti-Kremlin movement of 2011-2012. He was close toAlexei Navalnythe number 1 opponent in the Kremlin, who is now serving a nine-year prison sentence, and Boris Nemtsovassassinated in 2015. He is now an opposition politician in a municipal district of Moscow and has denounced Russia’s military offensive against Ukraine.

The repression of all anti-Kremlin movements and independent media in Russia has increased since this attack. The Russian authorities have notably equipped themselves with a legal arsenal to allow the imposition of sentences of up to 15 years in prison on those who denounce the offensive against Ukraine.

Already before that, personalities critical of the Kremlin and the independent media were subject to administrative or judicial harassment.

To read: Russia: Vladimir Kara-Mourza, opponent of Putin, against all odds

(with AFP)
