IFK Värnamo is forced to move another match

– It is regrettable in every way. It’s very sad for everyone and also a financial blow for us, says Fredrik Lingeskog, chairman of IFK Värnamo.

He says that the players are sad and angry after the news, but that it is beyond the club’s control that the pitch looks the way it does right now.

In monetary terms, IFK Värnamo loses a little over a million kroner when they are forced to move the match to Borås. Above all, it is about ticket revenue, which they are now missing out on because not as many supporters are expected to get to Borås Arena. The match against Mjällby that was recently canceled cost the association a little over half a million kroner, according to Lingeskog.

– We are of course concerned, then we shut up and clench our fists and make the best of this, he says.

The club now hopes to be able to play at home on the fourth of May when the Brommapojkarna come to visit.

This is how it sounded two weeks ago
