If you’re drinking, quit immediately! Increases cancer risk nearly three times

If youre drinking quit immediately Increases cancer risk nearly three

It was determined that the risk of developing esophageal cancer is 2.8 times higher in people who drink coffee and tea hot. Scientists from Cambridge University focused on the risk of cancer in their examination of Biobank data in England. “In the genetic data we examined, we found that not only drinking coffee but also drinking more tea increased the trend,” Dr Stephen Burgess, author of the research paper, told the Telegraph.


According to Sputnik, findings published in the journal Clinical Nutrition show that coffee consumption does not increase the risk of any cancers other than the esophagus. It was found that people with the highest tendency to drink coffee and tea had a 2.8 times higher risk of esophageal cancer than non-drinkers.


However, the experts who conducted the study were also asked whether they drank their coffee ‘warm’, ‘hot’, or ‘very hot’. Those who prefer their lukewarm drinks are 2.7 times more at risk than those who do not, while those who drank ‘hot’ had 5.5 times the risk, and those who drank ‘very hot’ were 4.1 times more at risk. The quantity factor was not taken into account, as the survey did not ask how much coffee or tea the participants drank.



According to scientists, the factor that increases the risk of cancer is not coffee itself. The real risk factor is speculated that hot drinks can damage the throat, causing the formation of dangerous cells. Dr. “It would seem that thermal injury is the most plausible hypothesis. This explains why we have also seen evidence of effects in people who do not drink coffee but do drink tea. It seems unreasonable to tell people ‘it is much better to drink tea than coffee,'” Burgess said. Because I think that’s actually the opposite of what we’re saying. We see a risk of thermal injury rather than any risk associated with coffee or caffeine,” he said. Emphasizing the need to avoid drinking coffee at very high temperatures, Dr. Burgess said, “If you feel like there is damage to your throat, then this is something worth being aware of and examining.” (Wall)
