If your stress test is abnormal, it’s not just your heart that should worry you

If your stress test is abnormal its not just your

The stress test is used to diagnose possible heart abnormalities. But it could also reveal other illnesses, including one that is particularly scary.

The stress test corresponds to test performed on a treadmill with an electrocardiogram (ECG) to check the activity of the heart. It is an aid to the diagnosis of cardiovascular anomalies such as during heart rhythm disturbances. But the results of the stress test do not stop there according to a study published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings in September 2023. Researchers tracked more than 13,000 patients aged 30 to 79 years old without cardiovascular pathologies, between September 1993 and December 2010. They analyzed the data provided by the ECG and those resulting from the exercise test such as the capacity aerobic functional (muscle energy that the body produces during exercise), the chronotropic index (heart rate acceleration capacity) and the heart rate recovery. They then collected the causes of death of these people.

The rate of death from diseases was higher with 3 or 4 stress test abnormalities

Result: a abnormal exercise test (aerobic capacity less than 80%, low maximum heart rate and slow recovery) not only predicted cardiovascular death but also non-cardiovascular deaths, and even more often in the cohort studied. More unexpected Again : “Next to 50% of non-cardiovascular deaths were cancers indicate the authors of the study. The stress test could thus represent a interesting review in cancer screening. Note also that the rate of death from diseases (all causes combined) was higher with 3 or 4 anomalies on the stress test compared to 1 or 2 anomalies.

The researchers put forward several explanations to justify these results:

► Many Chronic diseases are associated with insufficient physical activity.

► Diseases such as cancerpulmonary pathologies or autoimmune diseases can impair physical performance.

► Regular exercise has positive effects on inflammation and the immune system which can reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer.

► Cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular diseases share certain risk factors such as tobacco.

Scientists encourage doctors to take into account the results of stress tests in the risk of developing diseases cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular.
