If your electricity bill has suddenly increased, check this detail on your meter

If your electricity bill has suddenly increased check this detail

Is your home equipped with a Linky meter from Enedis? Your green box may be affected by a bug which increases your consumption and your electricity bill. A resident of Charente-Maritime recently paid the price…

The Linky electricity meter, recognizable thanks to its green color, is being singled out again and this time, it could concern you. And for good reason, 30 million French households have this Enedis device which is presented as “the ally of responsible consumption”. But the reality is sometimes very different. Recently, a new malfunction was revealed by our colleagues atUFC What to Choose and this is not likely to improve the image of the Linky meter, already tainted by other problems. The case in question concerns a resident of Charente-Maritime who saw her electricity bills curiously increase without understanding why.

For this consumer, the problems began in 2017 when she had Enedis install a Linky meter in her home. Until then, everything seems to be working normally, then come the first payments. She notices with astonishment that her bills are increasing even though her spending habits have not changed. It requires the intervention of a technician who immediately notices the problem: the Linky meter displays consumption even though the circuit breaker is off. However, usually, the green box must measure the electricity consumption of the home in real time. It should therefore not record anything if the circuit breaker is lowered. This electrical switch can be cut off if you are away for vacation, for example, or for an indefinite period.

In this scenario, the Linky meter was affected by a bug and was replaced. On various forums, Enedis customers advise checking consumption directly on the meter, via the Linky instant display in VA (Volt Ampere). This is where you can identify an anomaly. This woman’s story could have ended there, except that the reimbursement of the overpayment, calculated by Enedis, was slow in being paid, despite numerous reminders spread over six years. Distraught, in November 2022, the consumer had no other choice but to contact the local branch of the consumer defense association. After a long procedure, she won her case and received a settlement of 4,320 euros and 300 euros in compensation.
